mc: Things people assume and are surprised when they find out its not true?

Things people assume and are surprised when they find out its not true?

Posted by on Jul. 16, 2012 at 4:10 PM
  • 86 Replies
There's lots of stuff about me that people would be surprised to know but they aren't things that they nescicarily would assume the opposite. This post is more about the things that people automatically assume but are surprised when thy find out they arent true.

That's hard to word lol I hope that made sense.

For me On here people are surprised when they find that they're assumptions were wrong about :

I am not on any PA
My SO isn't black
I don't smoke cigs ( or anything else for that matter)

There are more but I think those are the ones I hear the most on here. Lol what do you hear a lot?


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