Whoa! Found this in my boyfriends bathroom cabinet. Should I be worried?? I UPDATED THE OP ***again**** pill names added!! UPDATE. I asked him

Whoa! Found this in my boyfriends bathroom cabinet. Should I be worried?? I UPDATED THE OP ***again**** pill names added!! UPDATE. I asked him

Posted by Anonymous
  • 408 Replies

The plastic bag is full of more

I just looked at a couple bottles. I didn't want him to come in and be like wtf are you doing?

Some had his name on them, some had random peoples names. I saw a few bottles of Xanax and Vicodin. The others I didn't recognize the name of. I didn't think to look at the dates.

We've had an off and on relationship for 6 years. We just recently started getting very serious. Like a few months ago. Yes he does seem to have a lot of cash but I always assumed it was from his deployments when he was in the army. :(

Went back to look at the other names I didn't recognize and found :


Does anyone know anything about these pills? I think aderall is for ADD but idk the others.

I just confronted him. I was very casual. I said "babe, I was cleaning up in your bathroom and I noticed some pill bottles floating around. Everything ok? They seemed like serious meds."

He told me that he has pain meds because of the explosion he was in in iraq and some meds to help him deal with the anxiety from it. He told me it was not a big deal and not to worry about it.

I wish we could've talked more but he was on his way out for his friends going away dinner tonight.

It sounds pretty believable. Espescially since you guys told me that's basically what those meds are for. Idk though. I have a sick feeling about it. I think if he was doing drugs I would be able to tell. 


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