mc: I came to a very bizarre realization ETA, yes im the "area code" chick.

I came to a very bizarre realization ETA, yes im the "area code" chick.

Posted by Anonymous
  • 167 Replies
Ive been considering getting into therapy. I've got a lot of issues and I think it would do me some good to try to work through and get to the root of it all.

This morning I was sitting in bed and thinking about what a therapist might talk to me about, how I would answer, etc etc.

I was raped/molested when I was 9 years old. I'm sure that's a contributing factor to my issues. I'm sure it would be something to be discussed in therapy.

So I imagine that the therapist would ask questions about this guy. And as I'm thinking of how I would describe him, his looks, his demeanor, I realize I'm describing my "type" to the letter!

I've always had a very specific type. "hood" demeanor, quiet, kind or rude, light eyes, short cropped hair, medium "cafe au lait" skin tone, racially ambiguous, on the shorter side, good body but not super muscular, no facial hair....

I might as well be giving a freakin description to the cops about my rapist because he fits all of those things exactly. I never realized it before. Guess I'm even more fucked up than I realized

Posted by Anonymous on Jul. 22, 2012 at 3:08 PM


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