Too tired...

of this mess to even bother to think of a caption for it.


  1. It all makes sense now

  2. I thought she grew up poor in the hood?

    1. She wishes. Her mom married her step dad when she was 3. From a lady in mc that claims she knew her mom and step dad she was raised by them in a loving home and had money for her to do all types of stuff. She was just lying to make people feel bad

  3. Aw, her parents loved her so much...

  4. The fact that her mother allowed her to dress that way at age 12, even as a costume, speaks volumes as to how she turned out the way she did.

  5. She does not look twelve here. Maybe 15. I don't ever believe anything she says.

  6. I started sucking dicks and now I'm here .[still]. Lol

  7. And people wonder why we don't want her to have a girl. The cycle continues

    1. If she has a daughter, it will be a disaster. I can also see her as being the kind of mom who gets jealous of her daughter when she becomes a teenager and starts attracting the attention of men. Sad and sick!

  8. It explains so much on why she is the way she is now... WTF kind of parents let a 12 year old dress like that?

  9. Her parents really didnt moniter a damn thing she did. It really explains her behavior though. Needy because her parents didnt give her enough attention, a whore since thats all shes ever known. Its like a textbook psychology here.

    1. So true. She is so needy and sad and pathetic. It must run very deep and have started at a very young age.

  10. Oh, FFS. If I posted all the wonderful things my parents did for me, there would be about a million posts/pictures, but then again, I am also not an attention whore like some people we know. Does she think she is the only one whose parents every threw their kid a party? She's ridiculous.

    1. I don't think it's about her parents at all. It's a post so that people can see her as a 12 year old in that outfit and make comments about it. It's just another attention-seeking post.
