You suck as a person. pt.3

"Hi. I'm sorry to bother you but I am friends with Tonya on an online Mom forum. A few of us would really like to get together and do something nice for her to take her mind off the cancer. Do you think you could help us out?"

"Im sorry, what? Cancer? I think you may have the wrong person."

...wait, hold up. Stealing?

Hang in there, it's almost over.

-Lady K


  1. so.... she doesnt have cancer? seriously either shes a troll or just an idiot...

  2. I am genuinely confused right now.

  3. Off topic, is PortiaRose's real name Andrea?

  4. Agreed, this one confused me.

  5. This poor girl doesn't know up from down. Give her a break.

    1. Give her a break?!? Seriously?

      She fucking LIED about having cancer!

    2. It doesn't look like she lied; it looks like she was honest to goodness confused.

    3. I was. i have been doing research since though

    4. Why wouldn't you ask a ton of questions from your doctor and google the shit out of this? I've had cancer scares before and did EVERYTHING I could to find out what the hell was going on with me.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Well, we all know this pussy ass deleter couldn't make it in HOIR.. Tries to talk a hard game, but in the end she's all rained out.. ;)

    2. I found dirt on Portia and Lucydiamond. It was only minor, amusing, funny dirt but after I posted it, I felt bad. Like physically bad. I felt that way because I'm not a hateful, vicious cunt and I just dont have whatever is in their small, twisted souls that gives them gratification from hurting people. These are all lonely, angry single mothers on the struggle, and they all have shitty lives across the board. When I look up from my screen, I see my nice house with my good life and my husband of 12 years that stuck around to still be with me and raise our kids. When they look up, they see whatever exsistence they can etch out from welfare and low paying jobs and they see kids whose fathers don't want anything to do with them or have to be forced into spending quality time with them. Trotting their sad, sordid lives out for other people's amusement is wrong and it made me feel gross, so I deleted it.
      As far as 'making it' in HOIR, I actually would rather suck the cocks of a thousand tubercular hillbillies than to ever be a part of that broiling hell broth of squalid lives and broken dreams.

      But thank you ever so much for the thought.

    3. Why do you come on here, Maime?

    4. What we all come here for. To learn.


      But mostly for the same reason I watch Hoarders: Buried Alive- because I thoroughly, deeply enjoy gloating about how much exponentially better my life is than most of yours.

    5. So what you're saying is, you have no life and think you're better than everyone else.

      Raise your hand if you'd like to see what a shithole Mamie lives in... Mouthy, where you at girl, track this ho down!

  7. Dammit, where's Mamie's comment??That shit was fucking funny, especially what she said about Portia. Conseula, did you delete it? I wanted Portia and Lucydiamond to see it. :(

    1. No she must have deleted it
      If you're signed into a profile you can delete your comments.

    2. What did she say?

    3. She said Portia used to pretend she was black when she first joined CM, and that Portia complained in old posts about having a man face and missing a front tooth. She also said Lucydiamond doesn't have any real kids of her own and that she takes her friends kids and pretends they're hers. I found a few posts where Portia says shes black and one where shes bitching about not having money to get her tooth fixed, dont know if the stuff about Lucydiamond is true.

    4. Portia is black. Who cares if she needed to get a tooth fixed. I'm sure everyone else here at some point has had dental problems...
      Lucydiamond doesn't have any live children of her own. She takes care of children for her friends and family, but does not claim any of the kids are hers.

    5. I found Portia's FB page. She has it linked to her CM account. She ain't black, lol.

    6. You can't link a cm and fb

    7. Umm Portia is black. LD doesn't claim any of the kids as her own. Are you fucking retarded?

    8. Anon at 4:15- yes you can and every CM post has a FB like/share button at the bottom of the OP. If you use the same device to access your different accounts they automatically link up unless you set your privacy settings to not do that.

    9. If you say so. she didnt seem to know what she was talking about in African American Mommies and all the members either ignored her or made fun of her. Has Portia ever saluted?

    10. If anybody ever used FB to login to their CM account (even years ago when they first activated their account) they are permantly linked. Lots of members can be found. Google members name and cafemom together. Their FB will eventually come up.

  8. Why would any self respecting person want to be in that group? They all seem to have some serious mental issues.

    1. I joined for drama when i was bored. Then become active when i was trying to distract myself from everything. i met what i thought was a group of really great ladies. after finding out this was a mistake I've kinda lost interest. was staying to see if they would boot me tomorrow, but they just did. I'm over it all though. LOL!

    2. Bitch you are lying. No one booted your stupid ass

    3. You are still a member and an idiot

    4. no one booted you monkey. cm went down. dont be a fucking idiot.


    5. You knew exactly what you were getting yourself into. If you didn't want to be there, you wouldn't stay. You choose to because you like the ridiculous drama. Like everyone else said, you know good and well no one booted you.

    6. Whatever gave you the idea they were a group of 'really great ladies'?

    7. No one said i didn't know what i was getting into and of course i like the drama! most people do. that's y reality TV does so well. LOL!

    8. No, most people don't like to take part in that ridiculous shit. Watching a train wreck doesn't mean you want to be a part of it lol.

  9. Most of the admins there are just straight bitter ass bitches. I am not surprised that most of them are either single or have husbands that either beat them or need to take drugs/drink just to stay married to them. They like to pick a person to target and then all of the pathetic cowards who hide behind a screen jump all over that person. I'm willing to bet that NONE of them have any friends IRL and are overweight, dirty, minimum wage earning, stank ass losers.

    1. You are a dumb fuck. All the admins aren't fat or dirty. You probably are tho.

    2. You know know exactly what you're getting yourself into. Whoever knowingly joins that ridiculous drama and then complains about it is an idiot.

    3. Yeah...No. Not at all.

    4. All the admins have shitty lives in one way or another. All you gotta do is look at their old posts. They all on welfare, no baby daddy, still living with parents or in shitty section 8 apts, lol.

    5. So glad you know more about my life then I do. Fucking dumb ass.

    6. Funny I don't get welfare. Help put a down payment on the house we live in. A duplex so i have my own house and pay all my bills. And have never lived in section 8 apartments. But clearly your stupid ass knows more a out my life then I do. Please tell me more about my life?

    7. I own a fucking nice house on acreage, with a hot husband and beautiful girls. i'm not fat nor dirty. fuck off or dont...i don't fucking care.


    8. ^^ a!!!!! That's fuckin fancy!

      For trash, maybe.

    9. Funny how I choose to live here. Sorry i actually have money. It is call a trust fund. Sorry you parents are to poor to set you up with one. And i can never get welfare for that reason. Yes such trash. At least i am trash with money unlike you.

    10. no way!!! You live in a duplex? Living the dream!!!

    11. All you have to do is look at the rare pictures they post of themselves and read older posts. They fit into at least one (maybe all) of these categories:
      1. Fat and disgustingly ugly
      2. Poor as hell with dirty ass houses
      3. County bumpkin
      4. Single
      5. DH or SO beats them, cheats on them, or just plain doesn't give a fuck
      6. On public assistance

      And then we have one that's ballin' living in a DUPLEX!

    12. JMAYO..
      Apparently I hit a nerve. the fact that you came on this site and commented shows you do care.
      All of you hogs always claim in HOIR you don't give a fuck or don't care, yet strain your fat little nubby fingers responding to every comment you supposedly " Don't give a fuck about".
      I've been there a long time and am friends with a lot of you, but all of you are pathetic and I can't wait for the time to come when I put all of the personal details I know about some of you out in the open.

    13. Yeah, Anon, you're still wrong.
      1. I am neither fat nor ugly.
      2. I'm not poor. Not rich, either, but I get by. My house is lived in, but clean.
      3. Country bumpkin? I'm not, but I don't see how being from the country is bad.
      4. Not single. Been married for over 8 years.
      5. DH has never laid a hand on me, we are both faithful, and he most certainly gives a fuck.
      6. I have never, not once, been on PA.

      By all means, though, keep showing us all that you don't know what the hell you're talking about.


    15. have a trust fund, but choose to live in a duplex that you had to help put a down payment on?

      Oh honey. Bless your heart.

    16. Funny how all of you are judging when half of you talking shit are on welfare and dirty bitches also. All we have to do is go into other groups to see that.

    17. Bring it bitch.

    18. Hey Duster
      SURRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Every thing I say comes from conversations from you stupid hags. You should check for a wire before you let someone in your batcave.

    19. Hey P. I'm not like the rest of your groupies, I will not come when summoned. It's much more fun watching from the inside while you attempt to discover who I am.
      This is the ultimate CM/HOIR dupe EVER.

    20. Anonymous Pussy...just stating you're incorrect of your assessment of the team in its entirety. still don't care. i'm reading this and replying just like you.

      Either way it doesn't fucking matter what you think because for fuck sakes its the internet. make up more shit. knock yourself out.


    21. JMAYO... Nope, I am sure that I'm spot on with what I know from being in conversation with all of YOU. Keep looking over your shoulder...or right in front of your face. lol


    22. Dear BIGGER CUNT THAN YOU...I'm sure you are.


    23. And badder than any bitch in that group considering the fact that I've been fooling y'all for months. Looks like the big bad bullies ain't so smart, letting an enemy in their admin group. None of you will ever figure this shit out. But it will be entertaining to watch. I'll just sit back in our private groups and laugh. I probably will (am) joining in on the conversation just to keep y'all guessing. Truth is...I can't stand any of you bitches and feel sorry for each and every one of you.

    24. Hey Anon,

      SURRRREEEEEE you know something about me. You're making a lot of statements about the admins that simply aren't true. You can ramble on here and make up shit all you want, doesn't make anything you say true.

    25. Ok, Anon. Since you're all "in" with the admins, why don't you give us proof? What did J ask for in the bat cave last night?

    26. I can see why everyone hates all you

    27. Its Mel, what have I made post about tiday since you claim to be in HOIR? How about it anon, wanna play this game?

    28. You all will never guess who I am. I'll just watch you squirm wondering who I am. y'all think you're bad bitches but i'm the biggest bitch of all. Yes, I have all the dirt. y'all will never figure it out. i really feel so bad for you bitches. wait did I already say that? anyway, I'll make myself known in HOIR when i'm good and ready so be on your toes. you wont know what hit you.

    29. Mel, you asked about tudor. Dusty, I'll keep that shit to myself. Everyone on CM is dumb including all these posters here in this thread. No one can be a badder bitch then me. Y'all aint got shit on me but I have lots of shit you y'all.

    30. What are you waiting for......just do it now.

    31. Anon

      Yeah, I figured you'd decline to post proof. Hard to tell us what's in the batcave when you don't have access. :-)

    32. No way. those bitches can dish it but can't take it. i'm ssing posts in the bat cave as we speak.

    33. This is the stupidest shit I've read on this entire blog. Trying to play us against each other. Even if you are in the batcave... (which, clearly you are not) none of the good shit goes on in there anyways. ;)

    34. Oh I can't wait. Bitches be going dooooooown!

    35. I think the HOIR troll is tndsmomma28, just by the way she types and how she talks. I could almost bet my life on it. Admins of HOIR, I'd be watching that bitch.

    36. I'll post when I'm ready. Again.. I'm not anyone's Fuck boy who will be ordered to demand proof. I will do it when I choose to, not when any of you tell me. I'm having too much fun watching all this shit go down and all us admins get paranoid. I'm gonna ride this out for a while.
      Portias cunt ass responses today pushed me to the edge today so game on now bitches

    37. Pfft. This attention seeking no one thinks just because she knows about the batcave that anyone would believe that she has access to it. When asked to show proof she falls back on "I don't wanna, nahh nahhh." Please. My 5 year old is more clever.

    38. ^^ this is fantastic Lmao!!

    39. She obviously is not an admin. Especially if she thinks we're being paranoid. LOL

    40. What the hell.."a fuck boy"? Weird analogy.

    41. I'm willing to bet every single one of these anonymous bitches talking about HOIR (even the ones insulting the admins) are actually in HOIR and they're using The Throne as a way to get publicity for their stupid little club. Pathetic drama to spice up their lame ass bullshit groups.


  10. Lucy Diamond doesn't claim the kids are hers...

  11. Nailed it.... *Eye Roll*

  12. Well this is interesting.

  13. So Lucy has no kids??

    1. I've been pregnant before.

    2. ^^but no kids? Why are you even on CM?

    3. Right? Like her life is that pathetic that she sits on a forum for moms and she's not even a mother? So weird.

    4. STFU. There are entire groups for women that are merely TTC. They don't have children, and no one is saying shit about their right to be on CM.

    5. Probably even more pathetic than you imagine, really.

    6. Yeah....probably.

  14. Monkey updated. She went to an orthopedic dr and not an oncologist. She is such a dumb fuck.

    1. What? So much is already screwed up. The fact the "liquid biopsy" isn't even a reliable test for someone whose Medicaid is screwed up because she lives in a small town? What small town would run a sophisticated, still in trial mode test?? This was bullshit from the get go - I don't understand why it's all drawn out.

    2. Who knows. She is stupid.

    3. She never said that. everyone else did because she stopped showing proof. i feel bad for the poor girl. too stupid to know up from down.

  15. LOL the comments are better than the post!
