Shit from last week that didn't deserve it's own post

This week

"I am so selfless, look at my poor mother, I will totally exploit this on instagram!"


  1. shes such a fucking attention whore
    i feel bad for her mom

  2. What happened to her mom?

  3. I don't see the big deal with her posting about helping her mom *shrug*
    No, I'm not Jenna and don't really care for her.I just don't see the big deal.

    1. super disrespectful of her to post a pic of her mom like that.

    2. It really depends on how her mom feels about it.

    3. I posted a picture of my son in the hospital with a broken arm after he fell off rollerblades. Was that disrespectful too?

  4. I like how she's really playing up this turning a new leaf thing. All she posts about his her family now. Took her long enough lmao.

    1. She's done that between her hang ups on Devin, then Austin, then who the fuck ever...I can't keep up...Never lasts.

    2. Wonder how long it will last?

    3. I wondered about that. She seems so normal lately. Thought it was strange! I agree- it took her long enough to figure it out!

    4. She has some recent posts on her Instagram with Austin. She posted a video a couple weeks ago.

    5. ^^seriously? Who cares to know that much about this chick.

    6. Because these women are seriously crazy obsessed with her. If she farts, they'll talk about it for weeks and claim she's a liar because she didnt collect it in a jar.

    7. Only if she swears up and down that it smelled like exotic pink orchids ;)

    8. I saw that video. Cracked me up. He seemed less than thrilled that she was filming. And I have noticed most of her pics of him she takes when he isn't paying attention like the one where he was holding his shoes. It's like he doesn't want to be seen lol.

  5. This just goes to prove what a fake lying bitch she is. Her mom is the one with the back problems, not her. She keeps getting caught in her lies, like with her sheets. Lmao

    1. Oh ffs, the fucking sheets. Do me a favor....I want you to turn to your SO or who ever lives in your house because they (hopefully) love you and want to be around you, and say these words out loud "I caught this woman I've never met in an online forum lying about some sheets she bought!"

      See that slightly quizzical, who-the-fuck-cares look they have on their face?


    2. I'm inclined to believe this. The back problems she always complained about regarding herself never seemed real. She gets caught in so many lies and then swears up and down she never fibs. lol Ok. Whatever.

    3. Looks like Miss Mamie has a soft spot for Jenna.

      Just deny it and everyone will believe you.

    4. That's completely idiotic. Her mom having back problems isn't proof that she doesn't have back problems too. You're trying way too hard and really reaching with that one.

    5. Anon at 803; no soft spot here. I've met a few sad, desperate twats in this life and she's one in a line of many. The twats are easy to uderstand and immediately dismissed. What I can't wrap my head around is those of you who recognize how sad and desperate and unworthy of attention she is, yet you lie in wait over her, frantically watching for any movement, and do things like caw over her sheets (!) weeks later when really, it was a non-issue to begin with.

      I know how desperately you hate the word 'obsessive', so I'll refrain from using it. But it does seem very disturbingly compulsive.

    6. I don't think Mamie is Jenna, the writing styles are different.

  6. Jenna is ghetto trashMay 28, 2014 at 11:32 AM

    Wow... maybe it's just me, but I would never post pictures of someone I cared about that was/is in the hospital or looking like that on a super public website. Just... wow. "Look at me, I'm such a great person, I'm holding my sick mama's hand and exploiting her pain on the internet so I can look like a wonderful, caring person."
    That is just sad. Also, just because her mama has back pain, back issues, back surgery... doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't. That's a stupid reason to say she is lying. Stick with the twerking and such as your "proof".
    Anyways, I do hope her mama is okay.

  7. so what does the pic of her mother after surgery have to do with that post about stalking the married man underneath it?

    1. I would guess this- Shit from last week that didn't deserve it's own post- explained it. But I guess not everyone can read.

    2. oh fuck off snarky bitch

    3. Learn how to read illiterate twat.
