
Ugh. Busy. So busy.
I have logged into CM like twice this week and once was while it was being laggy and stupid and mean.

Catch me up in comments. What's happening, what's not happening?m


  1. I've been in and out. There's a rate me post. But everyone's being nice. Boooorrrring!

  2. Trolls trying to hard. Same old, same old.

  3. CM is lacking. Thought DOE is back. Check the new post!

  4. If you're always too busy to keep up with what's going on, why don't you hand the blog over to someone more involved? We ALL have lives outside of CM, but you're the only one that's constantly, incessantly yacking and bitching about how much stuff you have to do, how little time you have to do it, and how hard it is to find and spare the smallest, most infinatesimal windows of opportunity to find a moment to spare for your blog. If you're so overwhelmed that the only time you have to check your blog is when you pee or whatever, then that should really be a sign to you that maybe you should just let the blog go, and the few precious moments of downtime you find in your crazy, hectic, overscheduled life could be better and more wisely spent elsewhere. You're running a blog about stuff you don't know about and you're not involved in to the point that you're asking your readers to tell you what's going on. That's stupid. You should give the blog to Persnickety.

    1. Persnickety is really no more active than PC so that wouldn't be a step up. Besides it's not that serious.

    2. good god. someone's a little too invested...

    3. Lol you're an idiot. Then you go to another post and act like she deleted this one when it's obviously still here... Shit stirer fail! We all wish the throne was more active. It's. The best cm blog out there, that's why people are loyal to it. I hope it picks back up, but if not it had a way better run than most of the blogs. Persnick isn't anymore active than consuela, so what exactly would that be solving lol?

    4. Oh good lord. Consuela, I noticed that we are back down to the original triumvirate of bloggin' bitches. Whatever happened to the other two?

    5. I think I've had something like 8 admins on here.
      I would say 5 of them just got too busy with other things.

    6. She should give the blog to sassy, hehehe

  5. latsyrk(sp?) is trying really hard to be the new 504. Other than that, not much else going on!

    1. I don't think she's trying to be 504, she's just really Fucking annoying and everything she posts is about her married boyfriend and everybody is mean to her and judges her blah blah wah.

    2. Jenna is ghetto trashApril 27, 2014 at 7:51 AM

      Who the fuck is that? Lol. Every one misses the delightful entertainment 504 provided in mc, but no one with a brain cell wants to join a psychotic bitch group, so now anyone that shows potential for being a drama llama is "trying to be the next 504". There's a new one every week.

    3. ^^ No one but you misses 504 in MC. I don't know why, but I find you very disturbing. It could be your name and the neurotic lack of interest in any other subject. It seems almost like a pathological obsession. I expect one day to turn on the news to find shocking headlines about the CM member who methodically stalked and killed dozens of innocent victims so she could sew their skins together to make a 504 suit to wear.


    4. I most def DO NOT miss her.
