1. Jenna is ghetto trashMarch 27, 2014 at 8:04 PM

    Wasn't she at the club trying to get into vip with that nasty ass woman beater rapper moron that's in jail now like, 6 months ago? Rihanna's whatever he is. I cannot remember his damn name. Lmfao that she can only remember back 5 weeks. How convenient. Going on trips with random men, and what's up with claiming to be an escort for $300 a night? Oh, but she can't remember that, so it didn't really happen, right?

    1. Do you know of the medically recognized symptoms of obsession? There's ten of them. Even disregarding your comments, your choice in your name alone meets the criteria for seven of them.


    2. Yes, she did. Last year, around this time, she went to Las Vegas with her pussy of a husband and her kids and stayed in some flea bag motel. She got herself all whored up in a sequined bustier, and let her husband take the kids to Circus Circus while she went to some club to try and see Chris Brown, who wanted nothing to do with her, BTW, which was hilarious.

      What kind of "good mother" leaves her kids and husband on a family vacation to trollop around in a night club with the hopes of providing sexual favors for another man?

      Is this bitch serious?

    3. Jenna is ghetto trashMarch 29, 2014 at 5:26 PM

      Anon at 8:35.
      Yes, I'm soooo obsessed with her. Please, enlighten me on these 10 symptoms of obsession and how 4 words meet the criteria for 7 of them.
      Lmfao. No, no I'm not. My screen name has nothing to do with an alleged obsession, and more to do with what i think about her from what I have seen her post. Her claiming a dead man (her baby daddy cowardly killed for no apparent reason after the dispute was over and that poor man was walking away) is somehow ruining HER life, and hating said dead man for being dead, AND of course somehow making it all about her and how her life is forever destroyed over this, (when she has nothing to do with it AT ALL), come to mind.
      My comments also have nothing to do with this alleged obsession, i have a very good memory and simply happen to remember what that trainwreck says.
      Perhaps you should look in the mirror when you speak of an obsession? You're clearly on here, reading about her.

    4. ^^ oooooookay. I was teasing, but your last comment was creepy and immoderately defensive. Rather deflective too, suggesting I look in a mirror considering I simply commented on your behavior. I'm not the one who fashioned a SN around her name, or displayed fixation by referring to things she did/said months ago, or became inordinately angry and defensive when those behaviors were pointed out. But your parting shot made me laugh. My small nephew is going through a nose picking phase and it drives me crazy. When I see him do it, I say 'STOP EATING YOUR BOOGERS!' He gets really shitty and the best come back he can come up with is 'I'm not eating boogers! YOU'RE eating boogers!'

      Your last comment was kinda like a two year old getting embarrassed because he got caught picking his nose.


    5. ^^^ You are a dumbass. Just because she made that screen name doesn't mean she is obsessed. I actually liked her throne sn. A lot of us remember shit that this chick said and did. Some people just have good memories. I know I do.

      Now, to me, if anything you seem obsessed with "jenna is ghetto trash." Kettle, meet pot.

    6. Jenna is ghetto trashApril 2, 2014 at 1:36 AM

      ^^^Excuse me. I'm still waiting for those 10 symptoms of obsession.
      That being said. Riiight. You were teasing. Yall really don't know what teasing or joking means, huh? You remind me of the lady who claims her April Fool's Joke was to tell her husband she was moving to another state with an ex boyfriend and leaving their child with him. Are you the same person? Cause she didn't know what a joke was either.
      My last comment is "creepy"? Why? Because I theorized that you may be obsessed? Are you deflecting because you're possibly afraid I am right?
      The things I said she did can ALL be seen here. On this blog. The things I most recently said are like 2 posts down. There's no fixation on her. All you have to do is read. Not that hard. Although I do intensely dislike liars, cheaters, and people who try to insert themselves into things that have absolutely nothing to do with them.
      Oh yeah, and you must not know what anger is, because I certainly am not angry. But I suppose no one can have a discussion without someone being accused of being angry and flying off the handle.
      I say something, you say something, I say something, you claim I'm angry and somehow deflecting. I say something back. How long are you going to keep this up? What are you gonna come up with next?

  2. She claimed to BF her second until 2. Yet has several pics on IG of him with a bottle.

    1. You do realize a lot of people who breastfeed pump milk right? And they usually give their babies the pumped milk in a bottle.

    2. I liked how she mentioned that she BF...pfft, that's doesn't prove you're a good mother lmao.

    3. Exactly. Bfing is not proof you are a good mother, but nice try 5-0-whore.

      Plus, don't I recall she went to Panama City, FL (lying at first by telling it was Panama, the country LOL!) for three days to ummm...dance (a.k.a. fuck) some guy? This was way before her youngest turned 2. Her milk would have dried up unless she brought her pump with her which is even more disgusting- whoring yourself out when you're still lactating. EWWW.

  3. Same old song and dance! She's so predictable and boring.

  4. LOL at Jenna trying to act like Mother of the Year!

    1. I know, right? The biggest joke of the year.

  5. Did she ever show "proof" that her and Trey were in fact involved?

  6. Ew, so she's "talking" to four different men? And she expects us to believe she's not fucking them? Being an escort isn't something to be proud of.

    1. If they're buying her stuff, she's not just "talking" to them. LMFAO at that lie. LIES! LIES! LIES! She can't help herself.

  7. Funny, I don't hide who I am on CM either. I've never been anything but honest. Yet people don't gang up on me and give me shit. Perhaps it's because I don't cheat on DH or treat others like crap. People who have a bad time on CM are so quick to blame others, but almost never take a look at themselves.

  8. The very last SS is all the answer she needs to her stupid question. She was NASTY, then said she's not. Good lord I take smarter shits than her.

  9. That woman is so blind, it's unreal. She KNOWS the things she has said and done on here in the past, or at least the things she IMPLIED to make people think they were happening. She KNOWS she has created a horrid image for herself. She left out like 99% of the shit she has been spewing on here for the last what...3-4? years now! Really! Smh..

    1. Careful. If you dare to imply that you remember anything she has said in the past, you might get told you are obsessed with her. Because, you know, people with good memory don't exist. There are only obsessed people. LoL!!
