1. She seriously makes me fucking sick to my stomach.....she cheats on her husband, gets knocked up and claims rape.....fuck her....stupid twat.....

  2. Wow the last comment is crazy. Isnt she the one who always puts her stories and crazy life into others post. Everytime I see her name in another post either the samething happened to her or much worse did. She is a crazy bitch. Keep your legs closed and you wouldn't have to worry about if its youe husbands or not.

  3. I'm guessing the reasons she doesn't actually want to report it is because it wasn't a rape its just the story she tells her DH which he must really think she has a lot of horrible luck with how many times she's fell on a dick. If any of this shit is true in the first place.

    1. She and he are delusional. They both think that she is so ridiculously hot that men just can't control themselves! She says no, but her incredibly beauty just makes it impossible for them to stop! OH yeah, and this one was drunk, so it's not really his "fault" cos he hasn't learned to control his alcohol. I honestly think she has to be batshit crazy. And her dh has got to missing half his brain!

    2. I wonder if she really is pregnant. I keep waiting for her to say she had a miscarriage or something. We all know how easily she lies.

    3. I can't believe people still ask why she is so hated..lol look at this awful shit.

  4. Why the fuck does this woman keep on with the delusion that she is so famous that anything she does would become a matter of "public record"? Furthermore, is she seriously trying to cry rape AGAIN?! Absolutely disgusting!

    1. Right? Like her getting knocked up by some rookie whatever or two bit rapper would make National headlines or something? Who does she think she is? She gives all women a bad name. Oh, and now it's rape- AGAIN? Smh

    2. I honestly just don't get it. How could ANYONE find that kind of lifestyle appealing? We all know she wasn't raised "hood" like she claims. She didn't grow up this way, so tell me, who in their right mind would purposely seek a life like she is living? The obvious answer is that she's not in her right mind... which makes me fear for her children.

  5. Holy shit. Now next time when she posts with her name, everyone is going to bring this up, and since she went anon for this post she'll deny she ever said it.

    1. Someone better bring it up the next time she makes one of her dumb posts. If someone else doesn't beat me to it, I will do it.

    2. Exactly! She's going to say that someone else did it to mess with her.

    3. Oh if only we could have another glitch!! That would settle it once and for all.


  6. I'm not saying she's a whore but. . . . . .

    Never mind, Yes I am.


  7. I'm not saying she's a whore but. . . . . .

    Never mind, Yes, I am saying it.

    1. LOL! If you weren't going to write it, I was... WHAT A WHORE!

  8. Again, I'm so glad I don't have this problem.

    1. Lol. I was jusg going to text you and see if you saw this winky.

    2. Good to have you back in Confessions!!

    3. Aww come on. Ya'll are just jealous that rapers don't be raping on you, yo

    4. I'm not in Confessions any longer. Jenna actually reported many of my posts and had me banned AGAIN.

      She's mad because I tell the truth and don't hide behind anonymous. Even when I do, you can't even tell. That's bad that you can tell with her. Like, REALLY bad.

    5. Crap, I had a feeling she was going to pull that! I don't know who she's in bed with in admin, but it's ridiculous how they let her get away with literally saying ANYTHING!! I've said it before: The admins are the pimps and she's their whore. She brings traffic to the site.

  9. She is berating someone for being an attention whore? Oh the hypocrisy of it all!

    1. She hates attention whores and gays. What else is new?

    2. She's bisexual and she hates gays? She is so hypocritical it is beyond words!!

  10. WTF is this? Is she just playing with everyone now for the hell of it? She makes me ill. Really, truly ill.

  11. Did this post already poof? If not I would just love to read through it for entertainment purposes...

  12. Is she actually pregnant? ★ DOE

  13. Not getting CS makes you gay? lmao

    1. No, but being gay makes you gay.

  14. So right now its rape but six months from now it won't be right? That's how it normally plays out with her right?

    1. No, what will happen is that she'll fight tooth and nail to say it wasn't rape, but then she'll give the "details", all of which point to rape. See, she's clever, in that respect - that way she can get all the "sympathy" of a rape victim without actually saying it, so when someone calls her out for "crying rape", she can deny ever saying it. She's a tricksy one.

  15. So who is the father this time?

  16. Its so sad that she is reproducing, she is scum who probably is gleaming at the fact she can get away with so much and not have any negative consequences. I bet her kids will grow up to resent the bitch.

  17. What a cunt!! How dare she said that to turtlesquish, out of all the people to call an attention seeker. Fucking dumb.

  18. Unless Nola got new cell service, this isn't her. She has Sprint, this is verizon. Either a great troll post, or someone with an equally shitty exsistence.

    1. Oh my God you are like the 4th person I have had to explain this to.
      The person that TOOK the screen shots has Verizon, NOT the person that posted it.
      Can you look at posts on CM and see what cell phone provider they have? No.

    2. Ummm...we've been through this before! Sprint has nothing to do with anything.. Whomever took the screen shot has Verizon. End of story.

  19. She better be really careful. Her and "iamex". This internet crap is spilling over to the real world and people are not happy with the rumors she's spreading. It's one thing to claim you've been sleeping with a celebrity but another young to give a name. Especially when the time period is while said celebrity is on a serious relationship. Last time something like this happened, the girl cut the mistresses face up pretty badly. Jenna should be careful. Really careful. The internet is not as anonymous as it seems.

    1. Very good point. But you know Jenna, she's always asking for trouble. She thinks she's so "hood" that she can handle it all. Doesn't bother to think about the impact of anything she does on anyone else.

    2. She can think she's "hood" all she wants. This girl is truly nuts. She will do damage to Jenna like she's done to other girls and Jenna will deserve it. Jenna just better hope that girl doesn't find out. Hmmmm. I might tell her.

  20. This chick is messed up! How is she going explain herself out of CONCEPTIONGATE 2013?!? Her dates are messed up according to her due date.
    As far as Mex, that chick is beyond annoying! Way way way beyond!

  21. What a bitch. Doesn't want him in the child's life but wants that money.
    ~ TheDoctorsWife

    1. It's pretty bad. Furthermore, if any of this is true and she takes money for child support, this baby daddy has every LEGAL right to see his child. She cannot stop it. She can try, but it won't happen.

    2. All I want to know is what will this do to her husbands career since she cheated on him and got pregnant.

    3. The only way it would effect his career is if he let his personal life effect is professional duties. He would only have legal issues in the military if he was the one cheating.

  22. Remember when you were laughing at her on Instagram and she thought you were laughing with her?

  23. Here's some shameless self-promotion.


  24. I'm starting to get the impression she is a ho bag (well I already knew that part) who fucks and regrets, then says it was rape or being taken advantage of.

    1. Brags about gang bang and getting 5 guys in a night. Devin being the leader...Way later changes it to sound like it was rape.
    2. Goes to Nola and Devin "got the tip in." (This was during the time she took pictures of her straddling him). Why are you hanging out with him in a bed alone anyway?!
    3.Joins Caramel and a random guy for a steamy sex sandwich (Guy on Caramel, Caramel on her). Said her intentions were innocent, she just wanted to do stuff with Caramel, not him. Later she acted like she felt "violated" because they wanted a full on threesome...
    4.Now a basketball player she shamelessly ran off with a while back despite trying to hide it "raped" her and she is pregnant with his child.
    Come on now..
    I will include she said she was raped by a man when she was much younger, and raped when her apartment was broken in to as well. I won't try to say those two are lies, but the rest too? Doubt it.

    I don't know what goes on in her DH's head...She claims her first DS is Devins (I'm still not sure if that is her corrupt wishful thinking or not), and now her third is AR's..All this and she has been with her DH through every bit of it...

    1. I often wondered that. The only guess I have is he thinks he can save her. He's so in love with her he doesn't see the lies she tells even when shown proof. Jenna is right when she brags about how much he loves her. That's how she's gotten away with so much that many men wouldn't have put up with. I wouldn't be surprised if she's the first woman the guy's ever been with.

      One day he will finally what she really is. And when he does Jenna better watch out. People like him who realize just how much they have been duped often snap and destroy the source of their pain.

    2. That's the whole reason she's with him. He practically worships her and she is the kind of woman who is a man eater, basically. She will never be able to be with a good guy without trampling all over him. She knows she's "secure" to treat him like shit because he is the one crazy for her, not the other way around. I also think he doesn't know nowhere near as much as she pretends he knows. If you take a man who would ditch her like a piece of trash at any given second, and treat her like shit, she would cling to his legs and kiss his feet if she had to. It's her way of validating her self worth. She can't stand guys not falling all over their feet for her, so the one's who seem to treat her like she's just a replaceable side piece she seeks validation and acts desperate. It's really pathetic.
