The Conspiracy Theories Begin

As some of you may or may not know, LucyDiamond claims to be a doula, which is shocking considering she's also a student and nanny.  How does she find the time? *SARCASM FONT*


  1. An administrator from HOIR sent in stuff to frame lucydiamond?!

    The plot thickens.

  2. I don't doubt her pregnancy, look at the comments on her facebook. Even her own family is giving condolences. She is still a dumb cunt, but I think she really was pregnant. Perhaps she is embellishing the details, as she tends to do. But if she was completely lying I don't think her own family members would be in on the joke.

    1. I agree. I don't actually think she faked her pregnancy, I just think she's a fake in general.

  3. Ah fuck. My screen name finally made it here and not in a good way. Damn I said I wasn't going to be a big ass bitch.

  4. I don't know why that's unbelievable that she's a doula?

  5. Lol! Why are you sarcastically asking how I find the time? It IS hard to find the time.

    Also, I'm not a nanny anymore, thankfully.

    1. With everything I have seen in your group, you have a new career every few weeks. It's confusing and comes off as bullshit. That's why I am sarcastically asking how you find the time.

    2. I'm a woman of many talents. There are people who know me IRL on CM that would have called me on my bullshit by now. ;) I am currently a student, a doula and I also work part-time in marketing from home.

    3. Why did you have to put my screen name. I was only saying what some people are thinking

    4. Doll, I told ya. They will black it out if you ask lol.

    5. Which is why it was posted, Spartacus.

    6. Lmao. True. Now I am waiting for hate mail.

  6. I don't see anything that would say an admin took this

    1. It was edited. There was a red quote and delete reply boxes when this was first posted.

  7. I thought her good karma was why she's so fertile?

    Karma's a bitch. Just sayin'!

  8. She might very well be a doula. A doula isn't really anything all that technical. Now if she claimed to be a midwife, that would be different. I've known many providers who have referred to loss of pregnancy at or past the 20 week point as fetal demise to the patient. Of course that also comes with an explanation of what a fetal demise is, and its always after the 20 week point.

    1. Is this the level of stupidity society has reached?

      I have a girlfriend who is a midwife, and works at a crisis centre, AND is a student. You realize that midwives and doulas aren't idiot doctors who herd women through like chattel, right? They give women personalized care, which means that they're only seeing about 15 of them a year, not 15 a week.
