Random User Spotlight: D.O.E.

This is from the first anonymous glitch where you could see the original avatars of the anonymous posters in the CM Search Results:

The original post:




Fast forward;

No joke?  ...are you sure?

There was so much more, especially on her old screen name.
However, in a nutshell, she's an ex hooker and addict with no shame who cant decide if she loves or hates her lazy asshole of a husbandand also one of CM's biggest hypocrite when it comes to drugs, sex, relationships, guns... oh fuck it everything.


  1. She has absolutely no body. She has the body of a scrawny transvestite. She is crazy and her family is crazy.

    1. At least she's not fat!
      What do you expect skinny chicks without curves to do to get curves, exactly? Pad, like 504?
      A skinny chick needs to remain skinny, because skinny without curves is better than fat like a beach ball and 95% of CM.

    2. Ya at least im not fat.
      And im actually working hard on being healthy and fit.
      Its taken a lot of hard work physically and psychologically to feel even remotely sexy in lingerie.
      My troll post was the perfect place to show off a bit :-)
      I know im not perfect looking and whatever but im really happy with where I am and am working towards where i want to be :-)

    3. Smoking isn't working hard at being healthy. LOL

    4. Oh? Who cares if I smoke? I cut almost all carbs and starches and work out daily gym every second day
      I put in a 45 min jog today....what have you done?

    5. Smoking does not equal healthy. Wow you sure are the smart.

  2. I hate her America bashing. Doesn't matter what the USA does, she'll find a way to bitch about it.

    1. I just wish you guys had good healthcare and fair wages and a less corrupt government.
      How horrible of me

    2. You are an American born Canadian DOE. LMFAO

    3. And? Your point is?

  3. I forgot about her having the VanDeKamp SN.

    1. Don't forget she sends her kid off to mommy when she can't handle him

  4. Yeah ex crack head and hooker is insane.

  5. Lets not forget she couldn't care less about her oldest child. He should have been adopted out.

  6. Wait so that was her that wanted to get her husband a hooker?

  7. It's pretty pathetic that someone has kept these screen shots for over 2 years.....

    1. Really? Maybe they have the same computer and files. I don't delete things just because they're "old".

    2. Yes really. Totally pathetic.

    3. Lmao yes it is pathetic ...every relationship has its rough patches and I can say for certsin we had ours.
      However....with time comes chsnge snd I can honestly say me and my dh are doing really good.
      Its amazing whst honest open lines of communication can do for a relationship.
      Was the anon post mine? Lol
      Yes...it was.
      You're welcome :-)
      I had been booted forever and that was an awesome post lmao
      Was it really a troll? Was it true?
      You will never know lmao
      YAY I finallyade this damn blog lmao

  8. Regardless of her past and her dislike of America, I feel sorry for her. Her life was in crisis and her marriage was in turmoil and people think/though it was funny to bash someone that was spilling out her fears, wants, needs, and confusion, wanting and needing advice. Some women are true bitches, who have no empathy for those of the same sex, with a better her than me mentality. SMH

    1. Thank you for your empathy :-)
      Our marriage is doing much much better these days :-)

    2. I agree, women should stick together (for the most part) and be able to turn to one another for help... but instead spend time digging up dirt and taking out their claws. It's a shame.

  9. Oh shit. Those were her pics? So shes the one hiring a hooker for her hubby?

  10. Omfg. SHE'S the anon wanting to get a hooker for her husband!! Same damn picture.

  11. Isn't that pic from the thread with the chick who wants to get her husband a hooker?

    As far as her drug past- who cares? It was years ago. So was the van de kamp s/n. She's changed a lot since then. Give the girl a break.

    1. Ppsssttt these were requested user spotlights. Get the fuck out if you don't want to read it.

    2. Right. That's like going after multi. Or hey, how about someone be brave enough to post the dirt on lieslieslies.

      Naw, let's go after the messed up old news who don't put in a front.

      Get real! There are more interesting targets. This is fucking pathetic and just bullying.

    3. They're just doing the names people gave them.

      And so its bullying when its DOE, but here you are giving another name for them?
      Pick a side, your hypocrisy is showing.

    4. What's the dirt on lies lies lies?

    5. I want to know the scoop about lieslieslies, too.

    6. what happened to LIESLIESLIES? she's never on anymore from what i've seen.

    7. I'm comfortable with my hypocrisy. It's the same victims over and over again. Choose a new target.

    8. Im sure I can handle it...

    9. I, for one, love your edits to your posts. You get so pissed and add these dramatic edits. Then claim not to be pissed. You bust out the CAPS LOCK and everything. LOL

    10. What dirt on Lies?

  12. I'm pretty sure she was the one talking about getting DH a high class call girl? The last picture was what OP used to *prove* she had a nice body in that post.

    1. That was her. I can't find the post now. But the whole thing was because he supposedly has a humungo mandingo and she can't give him deep throat or anal. I kinda wonder if that wasn't a troll, and was something she actually did when she was hookering.

    2. her dumbass deleted it. Here's the cached link though http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:8nUek_xWnhMJ:www.cafemom.com/group/115189/forums/read/19287612/would_you_ever_give_your_dh_THIS_edit_pics_pg_25_35+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
      holy shit huge link but anyways that's it.

  13. She is usually the anon who posts conspiracy stuff about America. She is usually busted but pretends not to be. It is fun to watch. They give her hell in the current events groups too. She was born in the USA and moved to Canada so she is btter than Americans don't ya know.

    She is the one who had a huge fight with her SILs a couple years ago in mc too. That was funny shit.

  14. LMFAO @ people calling it bullying when it comes to DOE but the same shit goes on with 504.

    What is the dirt on LiesLiesLies?

  15. lmao at Corlene(doe) trying to defend her fucked up life.

    1. Lmao off everyone being so damn interested in my "fucked up" life...you guys are hilarious.

    2. Isn't her nickname whorelene?

    3. If you wouldn't post all your fuck-ups, we wouldn't be interested. It's always enjoyable to watch a crack whore talk about how wonderful her farce of a life is.

  16. Is anyone going to dish the dirt on lieslieslies or what???????????

    1. They should do a spotlight on her. All I know is she's a snob.

    2. She's cuntastic.

  17. The pic was the same one used in the my hubby's cock is so big I can't handle it in my bum or mouth so I am getting him a hooker post.

  18. We want dirt on LiesLiesLies!!!!!!

    1. So do I but now I'm starting to wonder if it's bull shit. People are begging for the dirt and nothing is being dished.

    2. All I can find are normal convo posts and posts related to her husband passing away.

    3. Lies was engaged to another guy a year after her husband died. I dunno. I don't screenshot but she's got dirt!

    4. I never really liked her. She always seemed like a snobby bitch.

    5. So what if she was engaged a year after her husband died? There's nothing wrong with that. Is that the "dirt" or is there more to the story?

  19. So what if she got engaged a year after he died? Was she supposed to remain miserable forever? You women are fucking insane with your ideas and twisted opinions.

    1. His body wasn't even cold before she started boning the neighborhood. She's a ho.

  20. She's such a fucking train wreck. I wonder if she ever opened her fancy restaurant (LOL).

  21. Another little fucking smart mouthed whore is owlnuggets. Go ahead and save the you're jealous shit. I simply can't stand a know it all trick ass ho like her.

    1. Eyeroll.

      Not that whore, either. Is it really so hard to believe that more than one person can't stand that annoying little shit?

    2. I can't stand her either, but there's really not much dirt on her. I also can't stand Elyce, she has some dirt. That LapCounter gets on my nerves too.

    3. Elyce tries so hard to live the life she wishes she had through CM but I don't believe for a second that her husband makes the $400k a year she says he does. I don't see lapcounter enough for her to bother me much. Owlshitnuggets is still a giant vagina mouth.

    4. I can't stand Lectivo Divita or whatever her dumbass screen name is. Let's do a random spotlight on that big mouth!

  22. DOE is a joke. She is so full of shit.
