No fake email addresses please.

If you are seriously concerened about me knowing your real email, please take 30 seconds to make a new one.
Emails from disposable email sites wind up going in Spam.


  1. Actually, that is my real email address. Thanks for posting a screenshot of it. It's a website where you can choose your own domain. I deleted those pictures, before you posted anything here, so they didn't show up. I told you some of this on Café Fails. In fact, I said check your spam folder.

    1. and I replied back to it 4 different times. A 504 post isn't worth all this shit.

  2. That wasn't a 504 post you took a screenshot of, and the other one I sent was actually requested to the blog after the fact.
    504 post isn't worth it, yet your blog is clogged with it, on the first page.
    I didn't get any emails from you except one, FYI. Anyway. what kind of stuff do you want on the blog? I have asked this more than once.

    1. get off her dick, damn

    2. I'm sure she can handle herself.

  3. Hi, I'm Anonymous, and I'm mad over a blog.

  4. If I send in ss. I use a fake gmail address is that fine?
