Due date yall

this due date puts date of conception in the range of August 19-25.
She was in LA/GA all August. So...yeah.

and then because she didn't get any replies, she posted it again 20 minutes later in ANOTHER bitch group.


  1. You would think she would put a little more effort into "proving" that the baby is indeed her husband's by coming up with a due date that meant she didn't conceive while she was away. All that twerking must have scrambled her brain.

  2. Hm, does that mean more child support, from someone other than her husband?

  3. Yay, lets go back to 504 blog!! Lame.

    1. Really? Because of two recent posts about her? Lol. This train wreck, and others like her, is the reason blogs like this are made.

    2. Thank you for replying to this. I feel the same way. How is this the 504 blog? Sure, a lot of her stuff is here but that's because she's a dumbass who posts TMI.

  4. Someone was pretty quick in sending that into the blog in Vix..

    1. Yep. Most of the people in Vix are just giant rats. They aren't actually anyones friends, and they aren't even a GOOD bitch group.

  5. Ummm. A May due date means conception in August, NOT September. She's an idiot.

    1. Not necessarily. lmao Fucking idiot...
      If she were due May 25, let's say, then that means conception would have been 8/28-9/5.
      But based on her DD, she conceived 8/20-8/28.
      Sounds like you're an idiot just like her to think any May dd= Aug. conception.

  6. Actually she would have gotten pregnant around the 24th of Aug. And her dh wasn't there she was in GA.

    1. Uh...that's exactly what the posts says. So thanks captain redundant.

    2. What cralwed up your ass and died?

    3. LOL! I read this and actually laughed. I really did. Thank you for that. I have to remember that retort the next time someone gets snarky with me!

  7. He's deploying in June and will be gone for a year? Poor guy. He's going to fight for our country and she'll be guaranteed to hop on the first dick that offers her a $20.

  8. Well I was due mid may and I conceived august 26th.... Yeah cheating whore.

  9. Of course she will deny it. Just like she denies everything else.... Not like her doormat of a "man" will care anyways.

    Go on wifey, you are hot and as long as you let me watch videos of you and caramel getting it on then you can fuck and play who ever you want dear..

    What a tool.

  10. Her "husband" is a wimp and a loser. She fully admitted that she only married him to have someone raise Glittery's baby and to get her out of "the hood".

    1. "Mike's the only father my son needs." If I had a dollar for every time I heard that line

  11. I wish I could fast forward time to see how this is going to turn out. She was definitely not with her DH when she conceived according to all the posts she made this summer.

    1. Anyone want to take bets on what kind of bullcrap story she's going to come up with to try and cover her indiscretions? My guess is that she'll have a 9 pound "preemie"

    2. I thought he visited her for about 5 seconds when she was in GA?

  12. I totally was banned for asking if things were Gucci on Lucci. For shame. :(

  13. I hope her baby comes out looking nothing like Mike. Like what if the baby has really dark skin? There's no denying it then.

    1. Could you imagine her baby coming out African American? That would be the happiest day on CM.
