1. Sounds like someone has friends who are more than little thug wannabes. Sounds like she has some human trafficking friends. She gets nastier and nastier.

  2. Only Jenna would say something so idiotic.

  3. She is hands down the most trashiest member on the site.

    She claims she has class but says this garbage.

    1. the queen would totally hang with her and all of that classiness

  4. What in the holy actual fuck???? Is this bitch really that stupid and pathetic?? damn i wish the cm gods would let me back in confessions -_-

    1. Ask them politely! That got some other members back in!

    2. Damn what did you do to get kicked out of MC?

  5. Etc is wrong with her?!?!?! Was she dropped in her head repeatedly as a child??

    1. I think it's the syphyllis that makes her crazy. That trash has got to have some kind of STDs

  6. Why am I not surprised by this piece of crap anymore?

  7. Fucking disgusting. She's hit a new low.

  8. She can't be serious

  9. I can't read it. Its blurry. Can you link to it?

  10. she really said that.

  11. O.o She is a total whack job. Sure, those women really want to be raped day after day, night after night. Cuz, at least they are being fed well. Total idiot

  12. For real??? She really is that stupid?

  13. She just get stupider and stupider.

  14. I showed this to a friend of mine who is a cop. He told me that for her to say something like this, she has to either be the stupidiest human being on the planet or she herself is some how involved with human trafficking. And when I showed him the post this was posted to, he also said that there is no way her father is a cop, and that she is more than likely a criminal herself.

    1. Her dad is indeed a cop. However he wasn't when she was growing up. He joined after Katrina, but she does have daddy issues so she probably truly believes what she said. That those girls are being "taken care of" and that means the people taking care of them can't be that bad right?
      She's a psych student's wet dream.

    2. Have you guys ever even met new Orleans cops? They are so corrupt, Liars and thieves and murderers. I'd believe that her dad was our is a nola cop

  15. Bethsunshine sure is up 4's ass. She always posts a poof post as soon as a post of 4's is gone. I am freaked out by sunshine as much as I am by 4.

  16. Sunshine here. No need to be freaked out by me. I'm not the one contacting her husband and posting mug shots.

  17. Sorry sunshine but you are very freaky. You are up in her shit too much. I get that she is entertainment to you but you are obsessive.

    1. Not true. Sunshine speaks the truth and is entitled to her opinions. Get off her case. This is Leobaby by the way, in case anyone knows who I am or cares lol.

  18. Holy shit. It all makes sense now. Shit. She is a trafficker. It make sense. She is the pull. She works for these dumb fuckers as the 'safe' person that lures these girls. She is the ones that gets the girls to think that the creeps she roles with are safe. That explains everything. Her stupidity,in regards to this, her traveling, her entire outlook. Fuck. Now I wish I had been paying more attention to this whore. Someone needs to turn her in to be investigated, but I don't know enough about her to do it. SHIT!!!

    1. I should mention this is Leobaby2007. Sometimes I go anon in 504 posts because her business ends up all over the place, but I have nothing to be ashamed of, so here I am.

    2. Sorry, didn't mean for this above comment to be posted here. I'm new to all this replying to the blog business.


  19. HAHAHAHAHA- the anonymous she is quoting is none other than ME! I am the one who brought human traffickers as being as deplorable and disgusting as the Mexican drug cartels. I was having a back and forth conversation with some intelligent women and then she injects with this crap about not all human trafficking being a "bad thing". My jaw dropped when I read that comment and I knew sh*t would it the fan come morning. I knew this was going to make it on the blog.

    1. I should mention this is Leobaby2007. Sometimes I go anon in 504 posts because her business ends up all over the place, but I have nothing to be ashamed of, so here I am.

      (I didn't mean for this comment to posted here and not one above. Sorry!)

    2. Oh, Good God. I meant that I wanted this comment to be posted HERE and NOT one above. Sigh...it's been one of those days...

  20. What the hell? Just when you think you've seen every car attached to her crazy train, she slides out one more...
