Whoa! Found this in my boyfriends bathroom cabinet. Should I be worried?? I UPDATED THE OP ***again**** pill names added!! UPDATE. I asked him

Whoa! Found this in my boyfriends bathroom cabinet. Should I be worried?? I UPDATED THE OP ***again**** pill names added!! UPDATE. I asked him

Posted by Anonymous
  • 408 Replies

The plastic bag is full of more

I just looked at a couple bottles. I didn't want him to come in and be like wtf are you doing?

Some had his name on them, some had random peoples names. I saw a few bottles of Xanax and Vicodin. The others I didn't recognize the name of. I didn't think to look at the dates.

We've had an off and on relationship for 6 years. We just recently started getting very serious. Like a few months ago. Yes he does seem to have a lot of cash but I always assumed it was from his deployments when he was in the army. :(

Went back to look at the other names I didn't recognize and found :


Does anyone know anything about these pills? I think aderall is for ADD but idk the others.

I just confronted him. I was very casual. I said "babe, I was cleaning up in your bathroom and I noticed some pill bottles floating around. Everything ok? They seemed like serious meds."

He told me that he has pain meds because of the explosion he was in in iraq and some meds to help him deal with the anxiety from it. He told me it was not a big deal and not to worry about it.

I wish we could've talked more but he was on his way out for his friends going away dinner tonight.

It sounds pretty believable. Espescially since you guys told me that's basically what those meds are for. Idk though. I have a sick feeling about it. I think if he was doing drugs I would be able to tell. 

mc: I came to a very bizarre realization ETA, yes im the "area code" chick.

I came to a very bizarre realization ETA, yes im the "area code" chick.

Posted by Anonymous
  • 167 Replies
Ive been considering getting into therapy. I've got a lot of issues and I think it would do me some good to try to work through and get to the root of it all.

This morning I was sitting in bed and thinking about what a therapist might talk to me about, how I would answer, etc etc.

I was raped/molested when I was 9 years old. I'm sure that's a contributing factor to my issues. I'm sure it would be something to be discussed in therapy.

So I imagine that the therapist would ask questions about this guy. And as I'm thinking of how I would describe him, his looks, his demeanor, I realize I'm describing my "type" to the letter!

I've always had a very specific type. "hood" demeanor, quiet, kind or rude, light eyes, short cropped hair, medium "cafe au lait" skin tone, racially ambiguous, on the shorter side, good body but not super muscular, no facial hair....

I might as well be giving a freakin description to the cops about my rapist because he fits all of those things exactly. I never realized it before. Guess I'm even more fucked up than I realized

Posted by Anonymous on Jul. 22, 2012 at 3:08 PM

Ridin' Dirty

Lightened up


Old, but thought I'd share lmao

mc: Piog. Omg I found my OLLLLD phone with my pics from Katrina!

Piog. Omg I found my OLLLLD phone with my pics from Katrina!

Posted by
on Jul. 16, 2012 at 1:50 PM
  • 96 Replies

Wow I haven't seen these in forever! This pic was taken by my step mom as we were trying to leave. This was my front yard. In the pic is me ( in the red pants and long white shirt), my baby sis and my disabled aunts care taker ( well, her butt anyways lol)

I am on an incline. I am standing in water that is just above my knees. That's why I look so short. Not to mention I was 5'0 in this pic.
Posted on CafeMom Mobile
Platinum Memberon Jul. 16, 2012 at 1:51 PM

This is the van we were trying to leave in  

Platinum Memberon Jul. 16, 2012 at 2:09 PM
Well you can f*** off!!!

Quoting CaptainFeast:

I don't know or care. All I'm saying is there is no way that's a 16 year old.
Quoting 504bbymami:

Ok so I just have pics of some random person on my old ass phone???

Quoting CaptainFeast:

Yeah, I don't buy it. 
You don't look 15 or 16. You're about as tall as my 9 year-old cousin.

Platinum Memberon Jul. 16, 2012 at 3:08 PM
Lots of reasons. The main one was lack of money. It cost money for gas, hotels, etc etc and we just didn't have it. My aunt was another reason. She is in a wheelchair and completley dependent. Wears diapers, can't feed herself, etc. another reason is my sister. She is very VERY sick. My parents are always scared to go far from her hospital. She has a very rare condition that only a handful of doctors in the world can treat. Also both of my parents jobs threatened to fire them if they left. And yes of course we thought it would be just another storm

Quoting sampson200:

What made your family wait so long?
Because of your disabled aunt? Or because, like many others, you felt that the hurricane would be like most others and simply ride it out?
Katrina happened on my 31st birthday. It was just so upsetting and unreal; even those of us up in the northern part of the country mourned along with you.

Quoting 504bbymami:

It was thigh high when we tried to leave. The van didn't make it very far and we ended up having to abandon it and wade through waist high water until we got to some shallow areas and got rides out

Quoting girl_incognito:

We evacuated for the storm. How deep did the water rise before you all got out?

mc: Things people assume and are surprised when they find out its not true?

Things people assume and are surprised when they find out its not true?

Posted by on Jul. 16, 2012 at 4:10 PM
  • 86 Replies
There's lots of stuff about me that people would be surprised to know but they aren't things that they nescicarily would assume the opposite. This post is more about the things that people automatically assume but are surprised when thy find out they arent true.

That's hard to word lol I hope that made sense.

For me On here people are surprised when they find that they're assumptions were wrong about :

I am not on any PA
My SO isn't black
I don't smoke cigs ( or anything else for that matter)

There are more but I think those are the ones I hear the most on here. Lol what do you hear a lot?

MC: My poor, poor baby! :'( edit with backstory

Posted by
on Jul. 17, 2012 at 1:28 PM
  • 334 Replies
He pulled the suitcase out of the closet and started trying to drag it out of the room and said "go home, mommy?"

I tell him no baby. We can't go home right now. This is our new home for a while.

He sits down on the floor and burried his little face in his hands and said "mommy. I need bandaids"

I said "what hurts baby?"

He looks up at me with the saddest little face and says "my heart"!


My dh is stationed in California. I have some health problems that was causing him to miss a lot of work and he got behind in training. I can't drive because of spasms I get in my legs. I have a lot of dr appts I have to go to. We decided it would be best if me and the kids moved back home for a while so that dh could concentrate on work and get caught back up and my family could help me with my kids an my health issues. We will be going back to California after I have my surgery and my dh gets his career back on track.

Yes I go out occasionally. If I go out its after my kids are asleep. I do not neglect my children. I used to NEVER go out but since I've been home I've had a lot of people I want to see who I haven't seen in forever. It's not like I'm bed ridden and disabled. If I chose to go out for a couple hours, yes it will cause me extra pain but I'm grown up and I am making that descision. Im the only person it would effect.

Platinum Memberon Jul. 17, 2012 at 1:32 PM
Till november :/

Quoting fraujones:

Poor baby. How much longer do you have to stay?

Platinum Memberon Jul. 17, 2012 at 4:36 PM
Not quite but I'm not gettin into that

Quoting Anonymous:

Just your imaginary first Dh

Quoting 504bbymami:

My dh is not abusive

Quoting Anonymous:

I got so sick of seeing these posts so I finally checked out the blog.

the husband is military and an abuser? Isn't that reportable even beyond the police?

Platinum Memberon Jul. 17, 2012 at 11:04 PM
It was much more than that. My dr office was an hour away. I had to go at least twice a week. I also needed help with my kids after the appts because i either needed to rest after the physical therapy or I was groggy and coming off of the sedation. I also need help with things with the kids. Bending and lifting anything really is bad for me so I need help with bathing them and things like that.

I was evaluated and qualified for in home care but I didn't want a stranger coming in and doing all this. Plus it just all was putting too much on my dh. Coming home was the best option.

Quoting Anonymous:

Why cant you get a freind in cali or one of the other wives to drive you to doc appts?

Quoting 504bbymami:

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. You're completly ignorant. I legally can't drive because my leg spasms make it too dangerous.

Quoting Anonymous:

I think if you're well enough to go out and party, you're well enough to drive your ass to the dr.. Grow up and stop acting so trashy.

Liar liar, JNCOs on fire....